Hello! My name is Betsy the Cow.
Some Fun Facts about me:
​1. I live in Ridgeway Valley at Farmer Bob's Sustainable Dairy Farm.
2. I was raised by my Aunt Maude and Uncle Henry. 
3, I have been a student teacher at the Farm School for several years, working alongside Aunt Maude.
4. I love doing yoga and teach a weekly class open to anyone and everyone.
5. I believe the best way to learn is through making mistakes. I prefer teaching by having my students "do" instead of "watch."
6. I am a good friend, keeper of secrets, and am very honest.
Are you here because you saw my video?
I wrote a book called "I Believe..."
and I am wondering, "What do you Believe in?"
I invite you to join the conversation via the form below!
Thank you!
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